extjs实现选择多表自定义查询功能 前台部分(ext源码)

  Ext.apply(Ext, {

  isFirebug: (window.console && window.console.firebug)



  app.getMetaGrid = function(config){

  return new Ext.ux.grid.MetaGrid(Ext.apply({

  baseParams: null,


  * @cfg {String} url Specify the url to the data object (server side

  * script) from which to load data through the HttpProxy.


  url: 'http://www.jb51.net/AdvancedSearch/extSearchResultList.do?ssid='+globalQueryString("ssid"),

  // url: 'meta-data.js',

  renderChange: function(val){

  if (val > 0) {

  return '' + val + '';

  } else if (val < 0) {

  return '' + val + '';


  return val;


  renderCombo: function(val, metadata, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store){

  var data;


  // the field name:

  //var field = record.fields.items[colIndex].name; // unreliable since colIndex may be wrong

  var field = this.colModel.getDataIndex(colIndex);

  // Use the Store Manager to get a reference to the ComboBox store.

  // The store that is passed as one of arguments to this renderer

  // function is the grid store. We need to cross reference the data

  // with the ComboBox store, not the grid store.

  //Get a registered Store using the id of the Store

  var storeId = field;

  var comboStore = Ext.StoreMgr.lookup(storeId);

  if (!comboStore) {

  comboStore = new App.ComboStore(storeId);


  var comboRecord = comboStore.getById(val);

  if (comboRecord) {

  data = comboRecord.data.displayField;


  else {

  data = data;//'missing data';



  // return the value that should be rendered into the grid cell

  return data;



  * Date renderer function

  * Renders a date


  renderDate: function(date){

  return date ? date.dateFormat('M d, Y') : '';


  renderDateTime: function(date){

  if (!date) {

  return '';


  var now = new Date();

  var d = now.clearTime(true);

  var notime = date.clearTime(true).getTime();

  if (notime == d.getTime()) {

  return 'Today ' + date.dateFormat('g:i a');


  d = d.add('d', -6);

  if (d.getTime() <= notime) {

  return date.dateFormat('D g:i a');


  return date.dateFormat('n/j g:i a');



  * Italic Custom renderer function

  * takes val and renders it in italics

  * @param {Object} val


  renderItalic: function(data, metadata, record, rowIndex, columnIndex, store){

  return '' + data + '';



  * Percent Custom renderer function

  * takes 'data' and renders it red or green with %


  renderPctChange: function(data, metadata, record, rowIndex, columnIndex, store){

  var p = (parseFloat(data) * 100.0).toFixed(1);

  var qtip = '>';

  if (data >= 0) {

  //meta.css = 'green-cls';

  qtip = " qtip='yeah'/>";

  return '';

  } else if (data < 0) {

  //meta.css = 'red-cls';

  qtip = " qtip='woops'/>";

  return '';



  //.red-cls {color: red;}

  //.green-cls {color: green;}

  return data;



  * Red/Green Custom renderer function

  * takes val and renders it red if <0 otherwise renders it green

  * @param {Object} val


  renderPosNeg: function(data, metadata, record, rowIndex, columnIndex, store){

  if (data >= 0) {

  return '' + data + '';

  } else if (data < 0) {

  return '' + data + '';


  return data;



  * Risk Custom renderer function

  * Renders according to risk level

  * @param {Object} val


  renderRisk: function(data, metadata, record, rowIndex, columnIndex, store){

  switch (data) {

  case "high":

  metadata.css = "redcell";

  return "high";//display 'high' in the cell (could be

  //we could display anything here


  case "medium":

  return "medium";

  case "low":

  return "low";


  return data;




  * Star Custom renderer function

  * Renders a picture according to value

  * @param {Object} val


  renderStars: function(data, metadata, record, rowIndex, columnIndex, store){

  switch (data) {

  case "1":

  metadata.css = "stars1";

  return 1;//returns text over the background image

  case "2":

  metadata.css = "stars2";

  return;//just shows the background image

  case "3":

  metadata.css = "stars3";


  case "4":

  metadata.css = "stars4";


  case "5":

  metadata.css = "stars5";



  return data;



  ,renderQtip: function(data, metadata, record, rowIndex, columnIndex, store){

  metadata.attr = 'ext:qtip="' + data + '"';

  return data;


  }, config));



  var vp = new Ext.Viewport({


  items: [app.getMetaGrid({

  border: false


