2024年11月Ad Muncher(广告终结者)V4.94.34121下载


  ⑴Ad Muncher是一款广告过滤软件。上网浏览网页时,冷不防地被网站播放的MIDI音乐声音吓一跳,或是因为弹出的广告窗口碍事,而影响你上网络的心情。AdMuncher支持scapeInterExplorer与Opera等常见的浏览器,让你化被动为主动,你将不再见到网页中的广告弹出窗口MIDI音乐,还你一个舒适的浏览环境与心情。

  ⑵Ad Muncher 更新日志:/E - Finished implementing the new patching system. The new system is a great improvement on the old one, and should result in more reliable and stable connection intercepts. It also fully supports filtering of -bit applications (for example, Inter Explorer ), and will allow us to filter some functions that we couldn't previously. The latter capability is planned to enable Ad Muncher to deal with more system annoyances in the future.